/* TEAM */ Site: https://sfco179.com.br Owner: Mário Nicolau Chief Executive Officer: Mário Nicolau Location: Curitiba BR Developer: Daniel Semblano Contact: dsemblano [at] gmail.com Twitter: @dsemblano /* SITE */ Site name: SFCO179 Multiespaço Descrição: Restaurante, café, fábrica de chocolate, espaço de eventos, locação de vídeo e foto, no centro histórico de Curitiba! Rua São Francisco 179. Description: Restaurant, coffee shop, chocolate factory, event space, Photography and video shoots rental space, in the historic center of Curitiba! São Francisco street 179. Standards: HTML5, CSS3, JS Language: Brazilian Portuguese Components: This website was built with Roots stack (Trellis, Bedrock, Sage, Tailwind CSS)